If you’re wondering how to write a resume, divide your resume creation into sections: contact information, professional summary, experience, skills, and education. How to write a CV well? Remember about the GDPR clause, keep a consistent form and uniform font, use bold. The entire document should fit on one, maximum two pages.
Are you looking for detailed information on how to write a resume? Read on and learn how to do it step by step!

What should a CV include? Do I have to enter all the information?

A professional resume must include the sections listed above, each of which should be adequately developed. You will find out everything in the next part of the text. If you’re wondering what to write about yourself in your CV, remember that you don’t have to provide all the information, as the concise form is more convenient to read. Unnecessary data also creates unnecessary chaos. Do not include your address, age, date of birth, marital status, or your entire employment and education history.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • What should a CV look like and what order should be followed?
  • How to Write a Good Resume and Stand Out Among Candidates
  • What skills to include in a resume and where to put them

CV – how to write it step by step?

To begin with, it’s a good idea to determine the purpose of writing the document. It should be your concise and specific CV that will encourage people to invite you for an interview. Another thing is who the resume is aimed at. Your future employer will need information about your competencies related to the position, so you can skip the rest of the issues.

What does a CV look like step by step?

  1. Personal and Contact Information. Name, surname, phone and email.
  2. Professional summary. A few sentences summarizing the candidate’s profile.
  3. Work experience, including periods of employment, company names, positions held, and key responsibilities, may also include achievements.
  4. Skills, i.e. a set of competencies that are important for the job you are applying for. What skills on a resume? Divide them into hard skills (specialist, substantive) and soft skills (traits related to your personality).
  5. Education. Period of education, name of the college or school, and degree obtained.
  6. Knowledge of foreign languages, determined by a selected scale.
  7. Courses and certificates obtained. Brief information about the month, year and title of the training.
  8. Interests, two or three positions that may or may not be industry-related.
  9. GDPR clause. Anyone who wants to learn how to write a resume correctly should keep the clause in mind. Without it, the CV may be rejected due to formal deficiencies.

How to write a good resume to get an invitation to an interview?

You can confidently treat the creation of a resume as a project. First, determine which template you want to use. It’s easy when you use a Resume Generator because you can create everything in 5 minutes. If you are wondering how to write a resume in Word , take into account that it will be more time-consuming than using a ready-made template. You need to think about the placement of elements and the choice of font, apply spacing and bold. Finally, it’s a good idea to convert the file to PDF so that the sections don’t move when you open them on another device. A coherent and aesthetically pleasing CV will encourage the recruiter to invite you for an interview.
