For many people, working online seems to be an ideal solution – the workplace is located a few meters from a comfortable couch, we do not waste time commuting, and we feel comfortable. However, does making money on the Internet have only advantages? Know the balance of profits and losses. See how to make money online without risk. We will tell you what you need to pay attention to when looking for attractive offers.

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Is working online a way to make money easily?

The answer may sadden some people, but remote and stationary work involves performing the same duties, regardless of whether we do it from behind the company desk, surrounded by co-workers or from the couch at home. It is difficult to achieve success with a low amount of work.

However, there are several aspects that make working from home much more convenient.

  • You don’t waste time on rides. Residents of the countryside commute to companies every day by buses or cars, often tens of kilometers. On the other hand, city traffic jams and problems with public transport mean that the journey can take even more than an hour. Online work eliminates this problem. Five days a week, you gain a lot of time every day that you can spend on your activities or rest.
  • An online job is one for which you don’t have to dress in a smart casual style. Video meetings are an exception. In the morning, you gain precious moments, because styling is not your concern. You can look elegant, but you don’t have to, it’s your choice.
  • You are closer to your family. This solution means that you do not part with your household members for long. This can help to strengthen relationships and build bonds.
  • You don’t spend money on tickets and fuel. This issue is very important, after all, we work to make money. Working from home means that we do not have to spend hundreds of zlotys at gas stations or pay for season tickets. Therefore, we are left with several dozen to several hundred zlotys per month in our pockets.
  • Working on the Internet is ideal for people who are very introverted and find it difficult to find themselves in a group. When at home, they limit social interaction to the necessary minimum. They can reduce their stress levels and feel safe in familiar surroundings.
  • Parents certainly appreciate this form of work. Just like the residents of smaller towns, where few companies develop.
  • Working via the Internet is a modern solution that is a natural result of technological progress. Probably our parents, and even more so our grandparents, did not even dream of earning money at home. Fans of technological innovations certainly feel that they are in their element when they sit down at the laptop.
Making money online

What are the disadvantages of working from home? Is remote mode for everyone?

In addition to a number of advantages, online work also has its disadvantages. The dark sides of this idea did not come to many people’s minds, and they learned them only after a few months. A lot of people value making money online, but it is not an ideal choice for everyone.

  • Staying in your comfort zone is very comfortable, but it is experiencing difficult situations that contributes to our development. This issue is very individual, but for many people, limiting social interaction can bring more losses than gains.
  • Working online does not give us the opportunity to meet new, interesting people in the professional environment. Staying at home, we will not meet our co-workers every day. We deprive ourselves of the chance to make friends and spend pleasant moments in their company.
  • Many people who were looking for an answer to the question of how to make money on the Internet have encountered scammers on their way. Extortion of personal data or theft of funds from bank accounts is a serious problem. Looking for employment online limits the possibilities of verifying potential employers and it is much easier to make a mistake. An offer that is too good to be true should arouse suspicion in us.
  • Initially, we can plan how we will manage our time. Often, however, over time, it turns out that working online makes us lazy and we are more and more prone to procrastination. This can be a real obstacle to achieving the set goals.

Working from home via the Internet – in what mode can you work?

Are you wondering how to make money from home? Additional and permanent work is the norm in many industries. You can get an employment contract, sign a B2B contract or decide on individual orders. Filling out surveys, customer service or creating content on social media are popular. Both freelancers and people who want to get a full-time job can count on online employment.

Are you interested in ways to make money online? In this profession it is possible

Working online is possible in professions such as:

  • analyst;
  • programmer;
  • computer scientist;
  • accountant;
  • copywriter;
  • on-line editor;
  • specialist in SEO/ SEM;
  • translator;
  • photographer;
  • graphic designer;
  • artist;
  • teacher in an online school;
  • tutor;
  • telephone customer advisor;
  • Marketer;
  • insurance agent;
  • Recruiter;
  • Interviewer;
  • blogger;
  • specialist in social media;
  • digital marketing manager.

Check out other articles on our website:
Employment contract – types and features of the employment relationship
Fixed-term employment contract and employee rights
A photo for a CV – how to take it, which one to choose and where to put it?
How to write a cover letter and what to pay attention to?
A professional summary as a unique opportunity to interest the recruiter

How to make money online

How to make money online in a safe way?

  • Never send a scan of your documents to unverified and suspicious websites.
  • Do not provide data from your bank account (except for the transfer account number, name, surname and name of the bank). You should be especially careful when someone asks you to perform banking activities.
  • Do not make transfers even for a symbolic amount, for the alleged purpose of account verification.
  • Do not provide sensitive data.
  • Read reviews about the employer, taking into account that some of them may be untrue.
  • Check the company’s NIP or REGON number, this way you will make sure that it is registered.

Remote work – what are you entitled to?

We can read about telework

  • in the Labour Code;
  • in the Act of 1 December 2022 amending the Labour Code and certain other acts (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 240);
  • in the Announcement of the Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of 9 June 2022 (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1510).

A teleworker is an employee who can be employed under an employment contract. Therefore, on the basis of such an agreement, he is entitled to all privileges, such as holiday leave, maternity leave; insurance; the possibility of sick leave; the right to the minimum wage, etc.

How to earn money at home? Telephone and email customer service

Many companies have efficient hotlines that can be called by customers who want advice. Email service is also an important form of support and communication with customers. It is one of the primary service channels used by enterprises and organizations in many industries.

Work from home

A telephone and e-mail customer service employee can:

  • Give advice;
  • Troubleshoot technical issues
  • direct information about technical problems to other departments (e.g. IT);
  • promote services or products;
  • conduct active sales.

A telemarketer acquires new customers, keeps in touch with regular ones and encourages them to buy. This is a different type of work from after-sales service, as it requires the achievement of financial goals.

Copywriting – permanent or additional work via the Internet

Writing blog, fashion, advertising, sales or lifestyle texts can become a great way to use your skills. Not all content has to be marketing in nature. Copywriters also create guides, product descriptions and social media posts – almost everything you read on the Internet has been edited by copywriters or journalists and editors. Writing texts can be done on a freelance basis, i.e. looking for orders from many companies, or permanent cooperation. It is a great idea for both a side job and a full-time job. You don’t need to have journalistic experience, all you need is an excellent knowledge of the Polish language and a light pen. Practice writing and see if making money online is for you!

Working online 2024 – creating your brand

Nowadays, many people create their own brand based on their image. They include bloggers, people who record podcasts or run YouTube channels or Instagram accounts. With the development of technology, practicing the profession of an influencer has become a viable way to earn. Gaining a large number of followers allows you to establish advertising contracts that pay well. However, it is difficult to develop your social media so much that this work via the Internet brings profit. It may turn out that the amount of time spent will not translate into success.

How to make money online using your knowledge? Online tutoring

Do you have a degree in mathematics, physics or English? Do you know advanced computer programs very well? Or maybe you are self-taught who wants to share your knowledge with others? Become a tutor and gather eager learners or entire training groups. A tutor can work with many tools, mainly Microsoft Teams, Skype or Google Hangouts.

To promote your services, you will use any website, Facebook, OLX or websites such as or

How to make money online
Online work

Translating texts – a great way to earn money

When you speak a foreign language at an advanced level, and preferably fluently, you can get jobs as a translator. The range of possibilities is very wide, you need specialists who know English, German, Dutch, French, Spanish or Chinese. If you know any foreign language, try your hand. You can find ideas for additional orders on the page. You don’t have to set up your own company, the service allows you to issue invoices to a private person. Just remember to follow the site’s rules so that your salary is secured. Working online is excellent for freelance translators. Remuneration may depend on the number of pages translated.

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Create a professional CV and start making money online!

Home office is an interesting choice for many people. Due to the convenience of this solution, remote work offers are very popular. Your task is to stand out from the crowd. A strong CV will help you with this. How to write them to increase the chances of getting a response?

  • Match your CV to a specific job offer. Remove unnecessary information from it, not related to the profile of the activity you want to undertake. Focus on making sure that your candidacy meets the employer’s requirements. Show that you are just perfect.
  • Put emphasis on the skills that are necessary to conscientiously perform your scope of duties remotely, e.g. commitment, timeliness. Your Curriculum Vitae must include a description of soft skills.
  • If your employer requires a portfolio, attach it. Ideally, it should be in an active link. Not sure how to include a working link to your resume? Use the CV Creator. A portfolio is your business card. A concise and aesthetic form will help you gain the recruiter’s attention.