Medicine is a difficult field in which there is no shortage of experts in their profession, but sometimes the skills and experience of a doctor are not enough to hire him. The employer should immediately notice all the key competencies included in a properly written doctor’s CV. This article will provide you with knowledge on what a sample doctor resume looks like, what it should include, and what information is better to omit.

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Doctor CV – summarize your career

A professional summary can be found at the very top of the CV, just below personal data. Write them right away or after creating your entire doctor’s CV, once you have decided what information is most important.

What to include in a professional summary in a CV for a doctor?

  • Specific information about your education, specialization and experience – the employer wants to learn the most important facts at the very beginning, they will not have time to read a long resume, so focus on specifics and put priority issues at the beginning.
  • Description of achievements – decide for yourself what is your greatest advantage on the job market, it can be, for example, a higher position, gaining recognition from patients or cooperation with a prestigious facility.
  • Professional goal – write what you would like to achieve in this particular workplace, so that the recruiter or employer will notice that you are motivated to develop in a given facility.

Doctor’s CV – template of professional summary

“I am an orthodontist with 6 years of experience, I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznań and a specialization in orthodontics at the Medical Center of Postgraduate Education. I deal with orthodontics and tooth bonding, my successes are evidenced by 56 positive reviews on the ZnanyLekarz website. I would like to use my skills to provide the highest quality services in your practice.”

CV doctor – how to emphasize experience?

Work experience is a key issue that employers take into account. It is especially important in the medical industry, where seniority translates into trust from patients. However, just showing a few or a dozen years of work in a doctor’s CV is not enough, it is worth proving that you operate modern equipment, know various techniques and perform advanced tests and treatments.

CV doctor

What to write in the experience section of a doctor’s CV?

This section must include the names of your previous jobs, periods of employment, positions, and a description of your responsibilities. The scope of tasks performed may speak in your favor or quite the opposite. Do not list simple elements of each doctor’s work, such as: interviewing the patient, filling in medical documentation, issuing referrals, informing patients about their health, suggesting available treatment methods. These are the basic duties of doctors, so you will not be interested in them by the employer.

What kind of experience description should a medical resume contain?

  • A short but accurate list of tasks performed for your specialty;
  • indicating what exactly you do in your work with patients;
  • using modern treatment techniques;
  • operating the latest medical equipment;
  • description of achievements.

How to Create a Clear Experience Section in a Doctor Resume?

  • Focus in particular on your last job, as this is what the employer is most interested in;
  • Avoid large blocks of text and use bullets and bold instead to make your document easier to read.
  • Highlight what is most important to a potential employer, he certainly indicated these aspects in the job advertisement.

Experience – sample doctor CV

11.2019 – 03.2024 Lux Orthodontic Clinic
Position: Orthodontist


  • treatment of malocclusion in children and adolescents with removable braces
  • planning and carrying out treatment with fixed braces and aligners
  • correction of the shape of teeth: contouring, bonding and all-ceramic veneers
  • design of veneers in the CAD/CAM system
  • Preparation of hygienization packages: scaling, sandblasting, polishing and fluoridation


  • 90% of satisfied patients in a satisfaction survey conducted in 2020-2023.

Post-study doctor resume experience

Are you just starting your career and don’t have experience yet? In your doctor’s CV , include information about the completed internship and specify what your duties were. A doctor’s internship lasts 13 months, and a dentist’s internship lasts 12 months, during this period you acquire valuable knowledge and a number of skills, use it to find a job.

CV doctor – model of experience after internship

10.2022 – 11.2023 University Clinical Center of the Medical University of Warsaw
Position: Trainee doctor


  • performing medical and physical examinations ( auscultation, examination of body posture and skin condition)
  • providing information about the patient’s health
  • issuing medical recommendations
  • keeping medical history and records
  • issuing prescriptions, opinions and rulings
  • On-call duty as an additional member of the emergency room team
Sample Doctor CV

Education in the CV for a doctor

All doctors must have the appropriate education, complete a postgraduate internship and pass the Medical Final Exam to obtain the right to practice. In addition, full legal capacity and an impeccable ethical attitude are necessary, and the health condition must allow for work. Although education is required to work as a doctor, and entering it in a CV may seem like an unnecessary formality to many, a CV must include a section dedicated to education. Specialists with significant work experience can post information about studies under professional experience. Doctors starting their careers can write their education at the top of their resume, under their professional summary.

CV for a doctor – a model of education

10.2019 – 11.2024 University Clinical Center im. Prof. K. Gibiński Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
Specialization: allergology

10.2012 – 09.2018 Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Medical faculty
LEK score: 170 points

Additional training in the doctor’s CV

Employers pay attention to whether job candidates expand their knowledge in their free time. The vast field of medicine offers many courses and training for doctors, both in a classroom form and in the form of online lectures. Do you have several workshops under your belt? Don’t let them be overlooked and highlight them in a separate section in your doctor’s CV, you can add “Courses” and “Certificates” headings.

Doctor CV example

Doctor’s CV – an example of training, courses and certificates

Free and paid improvement courses can concern general issues useful in any field. These trainings are aimed at drawing attention to a holistic approach to patients’ health and discussing contemporary topics, such as air pollution or the use of AI in everyday practice.

Examples of lectures for all doctors:

  • building positive patient experience in practice;
  • impacts of climate change on human health;
  • economic analyses in the assessment of the value of drugs and medical devices;
  • Your first shift;
  • managerial functions and skills in the management of a healthcare entity;
  • the use of artificial intelligence in pathology – current state and future;
  • How to open your own medical facility?

Additional courses are an excellent method of self-improvement for students who want to explore their passions and achieve better academic results, for interns who want to refresh important information and for resident doctors who plan to familiarize themselves with the latest guidelines.

The training may concern specific specializations:

  • surgery course;
  • a course in gynecology;
  • internal medicine course;
  • a course in pediatrics;
  • A course in emergency medicine and anesthesiology.

Are you planning a career abroad? In the certificates section of your doctor’s CV , highlight the certificates you have obtained and the language tests you have passed, such as the Occupational English Test, which confirms the communication skills of employees in the healthcare sector, including doctors.

Remember that additional training will diversify your CV and show you in a positive light, so if you have several courses under your belt, be sure to mention it.

Skills in a Doctor’s Resume

The skills section of your doctor’s CV highlights your competencies and the areas in which you are developing. Specific skills can make you stand out from other candidates with similar education and experience. When creating this section, write specifically and highlight the skills that the employer requires at the beginning.

Doctor’s CV – Endocrinologist Skills Template

  • Diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases: thyroid, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and diabetes;
  • performing and interpreting thyroid ultrasound;
  • performing a fine-needle targeted aspiration biopsy (BACC);
  • providing consultations on hormonal therapies, including HRT for menopausal patients;
  • fluency in English – level C2;
  • effective time management;
  • quick and effective decision-making;
  • responsibility;
  • Propriety.
Doctor's CV template

Language skills in CV – doctor

In the modern labor market, language skills play an important role in almost every profession. English is by far the most universal, and fluency in it can contribute to faster development of a medical career. It is worth noting that many current publications are available only in English, so it is worth mastering language skills to have access to them. In your CV, mention the languages you speak and indicate your proficiency (use terms such as advanced, fluent or the CEFR scale: from A1 to C2). If you decide that your knowledge of languages should be particularly emphasized, create a separate section entitled “Foreign languages”.
When you plan to look for employment in another country, a doctor CV in English will be essential, which is not the same as a Polish CV, learn about these differences to increase your chances in foreign recruitment processes.

Medical CV

Can a CV for a doctor include interests?

Work is a huge part of life, especially in the case of doctors who have devoted several years to education and often work in several places at the same time. However, many people find time for an interesting hobby – but is it worth including them in a doctor’s CV? It all depends on how long your document is, the CV should fit on a standard one page of A4 format. When your resume is two pages long, it’s better to skip the sentence about interests, because recruiters will most likely not have time to read it. If there is a place in your CV to write passions, include those that are related to a healthy lifestyle or show that you are developing positive qualities.

Medical doctor CV – example of a hobby

I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with future doctors, which is why in my free time I give lectures on general surgery at the Medical University of Warsaw. Cycling is also my hobby.”

Include the GDPR clause in your doctor’s CV

Each CV should contain a valid consent to the processing of personal data so that recruiters can read it. Place the GDPR clause at the bottom of the page, it can be written in a smaller and thinner font. Its content reads:

“I consent to the processing of my personal data by the company [nazwa firmy] for the purposes of the recruitment process in accordance with the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000) and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR)”.

Is it worth writing a cover letter?

Employers do not have much time to consider a single candidacy. Prepare your application documents in such a way that they are concise, concise and tailored to the position. Write a cover letter when it is required or when you want to show exceptional motivation to work in a specific place.

What to keep in mind when writing a doctor’s cover letter?

  • A cover letter is an official document and should be addressed to a specific person. Enter the addressee’s details in the upper right corner, just below the city and date, and put your personal and contact details on the left. Keep the tone of the entire content formal and use polite phrases.
  • Write a letter in response to a specific job offer. Sending the same document to several facilities is a big mistake, because you should show your motivation to work in a given place.
  • Emphasize how your skills and experience match the specific requirements of the position you are applying for.
  • Give specific examples that show your experience and professional successes, e.g. the number of procedures performed, the results of scientific research or achievements in patient therapy.
  • Focus on what you can offer the employer, it can be extensive experience, skills, extensive medical knowledge, making accurate diagnoses or establishing positive relationships with patients.

The cover letter attached to the doctor’s CV should be short, the optimal length of the content is less than a page of standard A4 format.

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Doctor CV – take care of the concise form and clarity

Take the time to create a clear and specific resume so that the person who reads it can quickly find information that is relevant to them. Use bold and bullet points to keep your resume clear, and avoid bulky blocks of text that make it difficult to read. When you create a concise CV of a doctor, in line with current requirements, you will have a chance to receive an invitation to a job interview, during which you will be able to talk in more detail about your achievements and competences.

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