The most important thing when looking for a job is a carefully written CV, as well as the ability to accurately present your qualifications, but you need to pay attention to every aspect and know how to dress for a job interview. With our tips, you will learn how to present yourself professionally to leave a good impression.

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Is the outfit for a job interview so important?

Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov, psychologists at Princeton University, have determined from research what are the minimum conditions sufficient to judge another person. They found that just a tenth of a second is enough to make an impression – positive or negative.

As they write in their article:
“Assessments made after exposures of 100 milliseconds correlated strongly with assessments made in the absence of time constraints, suggesting that this exposure time was sufficient to make an impression on the participants.”

First impressions are your key to success

Physical characteristics are very important when you first contact recruiters. It’s true that you shouldn’t judge people based on their appearance, but research shows that in the initial moments we do just that. A person who sees us for the first time in their life has specific thoughts and conclusions about us, even though we have not even had time to speak. An outfit for a job interview is therefore a very important element that is worth paying a lot of attention to.

What does the right outfit for a job interview give us?

Taking care of this important aspect will give you a lot of benefits. The right business attire will improve your well-being and help you make a positive impression on recruiters.

How to dress for an interview

What will you achieve if you choose the right clothes for the interview?

  • You will gain self-confidence. When you like your mirror image, you immediately feel better. Your self-esteem increases, which is the key to positive social interactions. Of course, it should not be confused with conceit. High-level self-esteem helps us find ourselves in many difficult situations, because it makes us less stressed.
  • You will introduce yourself as a professional. Professionalism is not limited to competence or behavior. Appearance is also a component of it. If you know how to dress for an interview and take care of your appearance, you give a clear signal to recruiters that you have a basic understanding of how to find your way in a business environment.
  • You will show that you can adapt to the dress code. Many companies have an office dress code. It can be based on maintaining a smart casual style. If you show that you know how to dress for a job interview, your interviewers will understand that you will also look appropriate at work.
  • You will make a good first impression. During the famous one-tenth of a second, a team of specialists in the field of recruitment will assess whether your outfit is elegant enough. It is worth calling the so-called “S. The “halo effect” consists in attributing positive traits and behaviors to people we immediately liked.
  • You will leave a positive impression. If you are well remembered for longer, you will increase your chances that you will be the one to receive a call with information about being accepted for your dream position.

Clothes for a job interview – check what the dress code is

A dress code is a set of rules that determine how to dress depending on a situation, such as a professional environment or official events. It can be formal, as in corporations (e.g. a suit for men, an elegant dress for women), or less formal, like “business casual” (shirts without a tie and chinos for men, blouses and skirts for women). “Smart casual” combines casual with formal elements.

Appropriate clothing for a job interview, depending on the situation, should be formal or semi-formal.

Job interview – can the outfit be too good?

When choosing items of clothing, you cannot overdo it. When you’re applying for a job, you can be very focused on every little detail. It is not difficult to speed up too much and change formal attire into a disguise. When you’re thinking about how to dress for a job interview, remember to use moderation.

Very strong makeup, occasional hairstyle, excess jewelry, or high-gloss patent leather men’s tuxedo shoes will definitely be out of place. If your outfit would easily blend in with the crowd at a lavish banquet or during a wedding party – it is a signal that you have chosen an exaggerated, i.e. wrong outfit for a job interview.

How to dress for a job interview – a man in formal attire

Without a doubt, clothing for a job interview differs between men and women. Men have a lot of room to show off when it comes to combining items of clothing.

When applying for high positions, it is worth betting on a suit. Remember, however, that it is the accessories that often determine the final character of the styling. You should wear a tie, it is better to leave the bow tie for official events. You don’t have to put the pocket square in the breast pocket, but you can. Cufflinks are not mandatory, but if you have a French cuff shirt in your closet, go for this piece of men’s jewelry.
Such a trivial accessory as… Socks. Socks in the color of your pants will optically lengthen your legs, you can also confidently match them to the color of your shoes.

For example: If you have a navy suit and brown shoes, wear navy blue or brown socks. In this case, black will make your interview clothes not fully refined.

How to dress for a job interview

How to dress for work in the office – a man in semi-formal attire

The question of how to dress for a job interview is not limited to a suit for men. A smart casual outfit with chinos, a shirt without a tie and a jacket is correct for less formal industries or positions.

Chinos, preferably in neutral colors such as beige, navy blue or gray, form the basis of the outfit. They should be combined with a well-fitting shirt, which can be white or slightly pastel. You don’t have to wear a tie.

A jacket selected in color so that it contrasts with chinos will add class. Shoes should be elegant, opt for oxfords or monks that match the whole.

The question of how to dress for a job interview depends on the nature of the position. Such an outfit is suitable for conversations in the creative sectors, start-ups or in environments with a less formal work culture.

Women’s outfit interview – styling description

Job interview dress code

The basis of well-composed wardrobe items in this case is the color palette.

The safest colours are:

  • navy
  • black
  • grey
  • white
  • Optionally beige or brown.

A dress for a job interview is a good choice. It should cover the knees, but if you have a knee-length dress, you can also reach for it. Remember, however, that this is the minimum allowable length. Check if it will not curl up when sitting down.

A women’s shirt is a timeless classic that will be suitable for many occasions. An elegant blouse is also a great idea. You can wear a jacket, nowadays oversize cuts are replacing high-waisted models.

Jeans are a controversial topic. If you are wondering how to dress for a job interview, it is better to bet on fabric pants, such as cigarette pants.
Shoes should be elegant and cover the toes. Avoid high heels, ten centimeters is definitely too much when it comes to an outfit for a job interview.

This is what you should try to avoid – the wrong outfit for a job interview

  • Unironed clothes are a sign of carelessness. Prepare your outfit for the interview the day before so that everything is polished.
  • Unkempt or scruffy appearance: soiled clothes, unpolished shoes, an unshaven face in men or excessive makeup in women can be a sign of a lack of professionalism.
  • Dust visible on dark fabrics is a detail, but to avoid it, it is worth using a clothes roller.
  • A skirt that is too short, in the case of men, it may be ill-fitting pants, which expose a significant part of the calf when sitting down.
  • Too casual style. Shorts and sandals are definitely the wrong clothes for a job interview.
  • Flashy and strong colors are not advisable in a business environment. Fluorescent, neon colors attract attention, but in this case, with a negative effect.
  • Excess of additives. When choosing an outfit for a job interview , opt for minimalism. A set of wide bracelets, very large earrings or a large gold chain is better left for other outings.
  • Too much perfume or cologne is a significant mistake. You not only need to look professional, but leave an overall good impression. During nervous preparations, it is easy to overdo it, and two or three sprays of your favorite fragrance are enough.
  • Failure to maintain balance can be harmful. Too formal attire in a less formal work environment, or too casual attire in a formal setting, can indicate a lack of understanding of the company’s culture.

The perfect outfit for a job interview in winter – take care of your professional image

In winter, the key is to combine elegance with practicality to keep yourself warm and comfortable. Of course, a well-cut, simple coat will look best. However, many people wear jackets. Wear what you wear every day. Just remember that outerwear should not be too sporty.

Flashy colors are also not recommended: a fluffy, pink bedspread is definitely a bad outfit for a job interview.

We have some practical advice for you on how to take care of your outfit for a job interview in winter:

  • Remember to remove your hat before entering the meeting,
  • Wipe your shoes thoroughly on the doormat before or after entering the building.
  • If you wear makeup, choose waterproof cosmetics, especially mascara, so that it does not smudge when it rains.

How to dress for a job interview in the summer – review of materials

Each candidate must be very creative to choose an elegant outfit for hot days.

It is worth betting on natural and breathable materials, such as cotton. This is a popular fabric, you can easily find cotton clothes for a job interview in stores.

Linen is an excellent option for the heat, but it creases very much. Linen long pants can deform when you sit down, even if you carefully iron them beforehand.

Viscose is also a good option, which also creases, but not as much as linen.

Perfectly straight, crush-resistant shirts are made of polyester. It is an artificial material that can be very elegant, but it does not breathe. You have a chance to look nice in it, but you will be very hot.

Interview outfit
Outfit for a job interview

How to choose an outfit for a summer job interview?

Bet on proven clothes that you have worn before and know that they look good even after a few hours, and are also airy.

A bad outfit for a job interview in the summer is:

  • sandals and other shoes that expose your toes;
  • shorts, a short skirt or dress;
  • very close-fitting clothes;
  • blouses revealing the shoulders;
  • men’s short-sleeved shirt (it is not elegant);
  • sunglasses;
  • hat and flat cap (if you wear a hat, remove them when entering the building).

Check how to dress for a job interview at a clothing store

For a clothing store interview, it is a good idea to dress in a way that reflects professionalism and at the same time shows interest in trends. The style of clothing should match the character of the store: elegant and formal if it is a business fashion store, or smart casual if the store offers casual clothing.

It is important that the outfit for the job interview is clean, neat and well-fitting, which shows attention to detail. You can add a unique element to your outfit, such as an original accessory or an unusual color, which will show creativity and understanding of current trends.

How to dress for a sports store interview?

Salespeople in sports stores often wear loose clothing at work, matching the style of the brand. If you don’t know how to dress for a job interview, remember that this is an official meeting where an elegant outfit is required.

You can go for casual elegance and choose:

  • Fabric, long trousers with creases, shirt and leather shoes
  • a white long-sleeved blouse, cigarette pants and shoes.

Clothing store interview – dress code for candidates for a manager

For an interview for the position of a clothing store manager, you should choose an outfit that combines professionalism with a sense of style, appropriate to the character of the store.

If you are a man who wants to work in a suit store, you can show that you boldly combine accessories. Choose a tie and pocket square in different colors. Remember to tie your tie carefully and arrange the pocket square in an interesting way.

How to dress for a job interview – man golden rules:

  • the tie clip should be between half and three-quarters of the width of the tie;
  • the tie should reach the belt;
  • the last button of the vest must always be unfastened;
  • When you sit down, unbutton your jacket.

Women’s classic costume interview :

  • wear a plain shirt or blouse;
  • stick to subdued colors;
  • the dress or skirt must cover the knees;
  • shoes should cover the heels and toes;
  • Do not choose higher heels than 5-7 cm.

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Interview Clothing

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How to dress for a job interview – summary

Now you know all the most important rules that apply to a professional dress code. You can start composing a classic outfit. Remember that your comfort is also important. New situations are always stressful, but remember to smile sincerely, after all, you only make the first impression once. The question of how to dress for a job interview is already clear, to get in, prepare a professional CV that will help you enter the career path.
