Fixed-term employment contract and employee rights

Fixed-term employment contract and employee rights

An employment relationship concluded on the basis of an employment contract means stability of employment and the provision of numerous employee privileges. Employers often decide to conclude employment contracts for a trial period and then for a definite period to see if they want to establish permanent cooperation with the employee. This article explains the difference between a fixed-term employment contract and an employment contract for an indefinite period and a probationary period, and also presents all the characteristic features of a fixed-term contract.

Employment contract - types and features of the employment relationship

Employment contract - types and features of the employment relationship

An employer who wants to establish an employment relationship with an employee must sign an appropriate document with him/her. An employment contract gives you the right to protection under the regulations contained in the Labor Code. Its main assumptions are the provision of a specific type of work for the employer and under his direction in exchange for remuneration. See what a completed employment contract template looks like and what it must contain.

How to write a resume? Practical tips

How to write a resume? Practical tips

If you're wondering how to write a resume, divide your resume creation into sections: contact information, professional summary, experience, skills, and education. How to write a CV well? Remember about the GDPR clause, keep a consistent form and uniform font, use bold. The entire document should fit on one, maximum two pages. Are you looking for detailed information on how to write a resume? Read on and learn how to do it step by step!

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