Dear User,

Below we present information on how, for what purposes and to what extent we process your personal data in connection with the operation of the [www_firmy] website and its individual functionalities.


Our Company
The administrator of your personal data is [nazwa_firmy], NIP: [nip_firmy], KRS: [krs_firmy]) (owner of the [www_firmy] website).

Contact Us
You can contact us for all issues regarding your personal data by e-mail [mail_firmy] or by letter at [nazwa_firmy] with a note “My personal data”.


We obtain your personal information primarily from you. You provide us with your data when you register on our website ([www_firmy]) or when you sign up for a newsletter. Additional personal data, such as. Your business address or your Tax Identification Number, we receive from you in connection with the execution of sales transactions of publications, software or training through our service. We also obtain your data in connection with complaints you make and as part of your contact with us through Customer Service. For detailed information on the scope of the data processed, see “To what extent do we process your personal data”.


Running a [www_firmy] service

We process your personal data to ensure the functionality of our website. This includes, in particular, providing you with the opportunity to register on the site and the opportunity to give your consent to receive marketing communications from us by email or telephone. Separately, through the website, you can contact us on an ongoing basis to ask us questions or make complaints.

Create an account, manage your account and profile, create a resume.

If you choose to register on our website, your data will be used for purposes:

  1. set up and manage your account – this includes, in particular, gaining access to tools that allow you to create your profile, resume, contact you, as well as allowing you to exercise the rights indicated in the terms of service,
  2. creation and management of your profile by you – this includes, in particular, collecting and entering and modifying data about your employment history, new courses or training, updating your skills.
  3. Creating and editing your resume – this includes, in particular, entering your data into an editable resume creation form and capturing it in a resume document, e.g. in a pdf file, and allowing you to download the finished resume file.
  4. Payment monitoring – this includes, in particular, receiving payments from you, and issuing sales documents

Marketing objectives

We process your personal data for our marketing purposes, which means in particular promoting our product offerings and services. As part of our marketing, we want to be able to present offers and promotions tailored to your interests on our site. For this purpose, we perform profiling activities,
which, however, will in no way affect your rights or freedoms, or otherwise similarly affect you. In addition, as long as you have separately consented to commercial communications by e-mail or telephone, we will use your e-mail address and telephone number to communicate commercial offers for our products.


We process your data to the following extent

  1. name
  2. profile picture
  3. date and place of birth
  4. nationality
  5. whether you have a driver’s license
  6. sex
  7. URL of your LinkedIn profile
  8. URL of any site you would like to add
  9. your completed schools, courses, training, certificates obtained
  10. Your work experience, indicating periods of employment and names (companies) of employers
  11. Skills and level of sophistication, e.g. in foreign languages, operation or software development
  12. tax ID number
  13. email address
  14. phone number
  15. fax number
  16. transaction history (including what and when you bought, discount codes used, payment methods)
  17. Your bank and the bank account number from which you made the payment
  18. information about how you use our site (if you agree to cookies*)
  19. IP number from which you communicate with our service
  20. information about the device you use when visiting our site, including its setting (e.g. browser, screen resolution)
  21. history of your communication with us
  22. bank account details, payment card details or other payment details
  23. data from publicly available sources
  24. information about the sources of obtaining your data
  25. your complaints
  26. additional information about yourself that you may have included in your e-mail correspondence or that you may have provided during your telephone conversation with our representative
  27. consents given by you.

* What are cookies ?

These are small text files commonly used on the Internet, stored on your terminal device. You can control how cookies are handled yourself through your browser settings (option to set accept or block cookies). Blocking cookies may affect your inability to register/log in to your account on the site and/or your inability to make a purchase.
Types of cookies:

  • Essential: enable essential functions such as logging in, setting privacy preferences or providing security. Without them, the page of our website will not work properly.
  • Analytical: contains information about how often the website is visited and how it is used. With them, we can improve the content and performance of the site.
  • Functional: allow you to remember non-essential information, such as login information, language preferences or geographic region. They allow us to offer you a more personalized environment in which you create and enhance your resume.
  • Advertising: allow us to display ads tailored to the user of our service.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • login support – verification of the connection between the user and our server. The store does not store in cookies information that identifies individual users but only connection data,
  • content presentation – protection against displaying the same content to the user again,
  • handling of forms – protection of the site from robots (computer programs used to automatically examine the content of the website),
  • Presenting profiled offers,
  • Statistics – building anonymous statistics of visits to our site.

For details on how we use cookies, see our Cookies Policy


The legal basis for processing your data depends on the purpose for which we process it. And so:

  1. Your personal data provided for the purposes of registration on the [www_firmy] we process in order to perform the contract for the provision of electronic services;
  2. If you have given separate consent, we will process your personal data for the purpose of carrying out marketing communications by e-mail or telephone;
  3. We process your personal data provided by you in connection with the creation and management of your profile, creation and editing of your resume on our site in order to fulfill the contract for the provision of electronic services, and further to enable you to exercise the rights granted by the terms and conditions of the site;
  4. data about your use of the website, which we obtain through the so-called “data collection”. We process cookies on the basis of your consent, given in accordance with Art. 173 of the Telecommunications Law;
  5. to the extent that we want to ask you for your opinion on a given product or a given service – we will process your data in this regard with reference to the so-called “data protection”. the administrator’s legitimate interest that we have in continually improving our services and product offerings;
  6. if you contact us to ask a question about how we run the service, how to complete certain activities, we collect your questions and related data and provide answers based on the legitimate interest we have in providing full information to our customers and users and ensuring that they have a positive experience with our service;
  7. all of your data that we have as a data controller we also process for marketing purposes with reference to the so-called “marketing”. legitimate interest of the personal data controller. Marketing purposes include, in particular, presenting you with offers and promotions at the e-mail address you have provided or by telephone contact, which we believe may be of interest to you, as well as other information promoting our publisher’s products and our service offerings.


The period for which we process your personal data depends on the purpose of the processing. Thus, respectively:

  1. Registration in our service- for the period you are registered- until you unsubscribe from the service; after this period, we will process your data for purposes related to accountability of our activities, which we are obliged to do by data protection regulations, and for the period of limitation of your claims, but no longer than 6 years;
  2. consent to receive marketing communications by e-mail or telephone – until you withdraw this consent; after this period, we will process your data for purposes related to the accountability of our activities, to which we are obliged by data protection regulations, and for the period of the statute of limitations for your claims, but no longer than 6 years;
  3. Creating an account, managing an account, creating a resume – for the period of performance of the contract; after this period, we will process your data for the purposes of accountability of our actions, which we are obliged to do by the data protection regulations, and for the period of limitation of your claims, but no longer than 6 years;
  4. data obtained about the way you use our services (via cookies) and data processed in our marketing database – for the entire period when you are our customer and later for a period of 5 years counting from the time when you ceased to be our customer (you stopped using the services provided by us and did not make purchases in our stores).


We provide your data only when it is necessary to deliver the services you order. We do not sell your data, we do not commercially share your data with third parties.

In the case of payment transactions, in connection with your orders, we share your personal data necessary for payment processing with the payment intermediary, i.e. payment system Revolut. (page three).


We process personal data in accordance with applicable law, in particular in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation.

We are mindful of the following rules that guide us in the processing of your personal data:

  1. Adequacy Rule – We process only those data that are necessary to achieve the given purpose of processing; for each process, we conducted an analysis of compliance with this rule.
  2. Transparency Rule – You should have full knowledge of what is happening with your data. This document, in which we try to give you full information about the rules of our processing of your personal data, is its manifestation.
  3. Rule of Correctness – We strive to keep your personal information in our systems up-to-date and truthful. If you find that in any area your personal information has not been updated by us or is incorrect, please contact us at [mail_firmy].
  4. Integrity and Confidentiality Rule – We take the necessary measures to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of your personal information. We are improving them all the time, along with the changing environment and technological advances. Safeguards include physical and technological measures to limit access to your data, as well as appropriate safeguards against loss of your data.
  5. Accountability Rule – We want to be able to account for every action we take on your personal data, so that if you ask us, we can provide you with full and accurate information regarding what actions we performed on your data.
  6. Rule of minimization of scope – We reviewed the scope of data acquired, the extent of data processing and the amount of data processed for adequacy to the purposes of processing. We periodically review the amount of data processed and the extent of its processing, at least once a year.


As part of our daily practice, we collect the following consents from users of our service and from our customers:

  1. consent to communicate with you by e-mail or telephone for marketing purposes – includes informing you about new products, our offers, discounts, promotional actions. You can give this consent when creating an account on the website by filling in the registration form available on the [www_firmy];
  2. consent to share your data with our partners if you express interest in their offer or mutual cooperation.

Your consent is voluntary and we do not condition your ability to use the site or purchase products or services on your giving it.

If you have given your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time by writing an e-mail to [mail_firmy] or by post to [nazwa_firmy] with a note “Personal data”.

Please note that it may take a certain amount of time after you withdraw your consent before your request is accepted into the system and all databases synchronize. We will make efforts to ensure that these activities take place without undue delay, but in no case can it take more than one month.

Remember that withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.


Data protection law gives you a number of rights that you can exercise at any time. As long as you do not abuse these rights (e.g., unreasonable daily requests for information), the exercise of these rights will be free of charge to you and should be easy to exercise.

Your rights include:

  1. The right to access the content of your personal data – This right means that you can request that we export the information we have about you from our databases and send it to you in one of the commonly used formats (e.g. XLSX, DOCX, CSV, etc.). The CSV format is widely used and allows the information it contains to be read in various programs (machine readable).
  2. Right to rectification – If you become aware that the data we process is incorrect, you have the right to ask us to correct it, and we will be obliged to do so. In this case, we have the right to ask you to provide some document or other evidence of the change in data.
  3. Right to restrict processing – If, despite our compliance with the adequacy rule we write about in the section “How we process personal data”, you feel that we are processing too much of your personal data for a particular process, you have the right to request that we restrict this processing. Unless your request opposes requirements imposed on us by applicable law, or is necessary for the performance of the contract, we will grant your request.
  4. Right to request deletion – This right, also known as the right to be forgotten, means your right to request that we delete from our database systems and from our records any information containing your personal data. Note that we will not be able to do so if we are required by law to process your data (e.g. transaction documents for tax purposes, warranty obligation, obligation to ensure accountability of our actions). In any case, however, we will delete your personal data to the fullest extent possible, and where this is not possible, we will ensure that your data is pseudonymized (meaning that the data subject cannot be identified without an appropriate linkage key), so that your data, which we must retain in accordance with applicable law, will be available only to a very limited circle of people in our organization.
  5. Right to transfer data to another data controller – In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you can ask us to export the data you have provided to us in the course of all our contacts and all our cooperation into a separate file for onward transfer to another data controller.

You can exercise the rights referred to above by contacting us at the e-mail address [mail_firmy] or by writing to the address [nazwa_firmy], marked “Personal data”.
You can also write to this data if an action or situation you encounter raises concerns about whether it is definitely in compliance with regulations, or whether it inadvertently violates your rights or freedoms. In this case, we will answer your questions and concerns and address the issue immediately.

If, in exercising your rights, you make a request to us, we shall either comply with the request or refuse to comply with it immediately, but no later than one month after receiving it. If, due to the complexity of the request or the number of requests, we will not be able to fulfill your request within one month,
We will comply within the next two months. You will be informed by us in advance of the intended extension of the deadline .If you consider that we have in any way violated the rules for processing your personal data then you have the right to file a complaint directly with the supervisory authority (as of May 25, 2018 this is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection). In exercising this right, you should provide a full description of the situation and indicate what action you consider to have violated your rights or freedoms. The complaint should be submitted directly to the supervisory authority.


Separately, we would like to inform you that you also have the right to the so-called “right to a “right”. Object to the processing of your personal data.

You file a right to object when you do not want us to process your personal data for a specific purpose (e.g., marketing). In this case, we will continue to process your data for other processes (for other purposes), but no longer for the purpose for which you objected. You can submit your right to object by e-mail [mail_firmy] or by writing to [nazwa_firmy], marked “Personal data”.