How to dress for a job interview? See what the dress code for a job interview should look like

How to dress for a job interview?
See what the dress code for a job interview should look like

The most important thing when looking for a job is a carefully written CV, as well as the ability to accurately present your qualifications, but you need to pay attention to every aspect and know how to dress for a job interview. With our tips, you will learn how to present yourself professionally to leave a good impression.

A photo for a CV - how to take it, which one to choose and where to put it?

A photo for a CV - how to take it, which one to choose and where to put it?

The CV photo must be professional so that, in combination with the entire CV, it makes a positive impression on employers. Although it is not a mandatory element, many people are happy to add it. Find out how to take a photo for your CV so that it is appropriate, which photo to choose from several options, and how to insert it into a document.

Professional summary as a unique opportunity to pique recruiter's interest

Professional summary as a unique opportunity to pique recruiter's interest

A professional summary is a few sentences at the beginning of a CV that briefly define the candidate's competences, experience and aspirations. Due to the fact that we include them in the introduction of the professional CV, the recruiter reads it first. This is why a professional summary is particularly important. Do you want to learn how to write them? Continue!

Personal information in a CV - everything you need to know

Personal information in a CV - everything you need to know

Personal data in a CV is information that allows for the identification of a natural person. Providing the most important data in your application documents will allow employers to familiarize themselves with your candidacy. Do you want to find out what are the examples of personal data and where to look for legal acts about them? Are you wondering how to enter the clause on the processing of personal data in your CV or whether to provide the address in your CV? Read and check!

Retraining and retraining - how to effectively change your career path?

Retraining and retraining - how to effectively change your career path?

In today's dynamically changing labor market, terms such as retraining and retraining are gaining in importance. Technological developments and the instability of some companies force people to change industries. We are also often worried about the rising prices of basic necessities and real estate. Many people wonder every day what to retrain for? We have some valuable tips for you!

CV clause – everything you need to know + current CV clause

CV clause – everything you need to know + current CV clause

The CV clause is a mandatory element of your application document, its introduction was aimed at protecting personal data. You must include it in your Curriculum Vitae to be taken into account in the recruitment process. However, many people have a big problem with it. "I consent to the processing..." And what next? The CV clause can cause a lot of trouble even for people who have been looking for a job more than once. Do you want to find out what the current CV clause looks like? We have described everything in this article!

How to write a resume? Practical tips

How to write a resume? Practical tips

If you're wondering how to write a resume, divide your resume creation into sections: contact information, professional summary, experience, skills, and education. How to write a CV well? Remember about the GDPR clause, keep a consistent form and uniform font, use bold. The entire document should fit on one, maximum two pages. Are you looking for detailed information on how to write a resume? Read on and learn how to do it step by step!

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