Each customer placing an order in the Store is required to read the Terms and Conditions and confirm that he accepts its provisions. Ignorance of the Terms and Conditions does not exempt the Customer from compliance with the rules contained therein.


  1. The Internet domain is [www_firmy] owned by [nazwa_firmy], entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS:[krs_firmy], NIP: [nip_firmy], REGON:[regon_firmy], e-mail address: [mail_firmy] The Company is hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider or the Seller
  2. The Rules and Regulations set out the terms and conditions for the use of the Website by Customers, and in particular for making purchases on the Website.
  3. The Regulations are made available to Customers free of charge, through the Service, in a form that allows the Regulations to be obtained, reproduced and recorded by means of the data communications system used by the Customer
  4. It is forbidden for Customers to introduce unlawful content to the Service.
  5. The administrator of personal data processed in connection with the implementation of the provisions of the Regulations is the Service Provider. Personal data is processed for the purposes, to the extent and based on the principles indicated in the privacy policy available on the [www_firmy] website


For the purposes of these Regulations, the following terms shall have the following definitions:

  1. Working days – days of the week from Monday to Friday, except for public holidays
  2. Calendar days – days of the week from Monday to Sunday, including holidays
  3. Website – a website available at [www_firmy] maintained by the Service Provider,
  4. User – any natural person using the Website
  5. Customer – a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, to which the law grants legal capacity, who, under the terms of these Regulations, places an Order through the Service.
  6. Paid service – a service to access resume templates along with the ability to create a cover letter, personal questionnaire and online portfolio.
  7. I package – Paid service that includes the ability to create a resume template and generate it on all templates available on the Service. Service concluded for a fixed period – 14 days at a price of PLN 7.99 – after 14 days automatically renewed monthly at a price of PLN 88.99, with the possibility to cancel at any time
  8. II package – Paid service that includes the ability to create a resume template and generate it on all templates available on the Website. Service concluded for a definite period of time – 1 year – after one year automatically renewed annually at a price of PLN 259.2, with the possibility of termination under the terms of the Regulations
  9. Registration – conclusion by the User of an agreement for the provision of services for access to the Website under the terms and conditions set forth in these Regulations, for which the User provides his/her contact information and accepts these Regulations.
  10. Account – marked with an individual name (login) and password provided by the User, a panel assigned to a given User, launched on his/her behalf by the Service Provider within the Site, enabling the User to use the full functionality of the Site, in which the User’s and Client’s data is collected, used for the purpose of identifying the User and concerning his/her activities on the Site.
  11. Password – a string of alphanumeric characters (secret, known only to the user), necessary for authorized access to the Account and use of the resources of the Paid Services.
  12. Regulations – these rules and regulations of the Service.
  13. Order – an action taken by a registered User to order a Paid Service available on the Website.


The Terms and Conditions are continuously available at [www_firmy] in a way that allows each User to obtain, reproduce and record its content by printing or saving it on a medium at any time.


  1. In order to use the Service, it is necessary to have:
    • computer, tablet, smartphone or other electronic device with Internet access;
    • Any current web browser (at least Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3.x, Safari 4.x, Google Chrome);
    • individual e-mail account.
  2. Use of the Website may be subject to the installation of software such as Java, JavaScript, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Acrobat Reader and acceptance of cookies


  1. The User is obliged to use the Website and its functionalities in accordance with the law, the provisions of these Regulations and good morals.
  2. The user is responsible for the content, compliance and truthfulness of the data provided when using the Service.
  3. Before using the Service, the User is required to familiarize himself with these Regulations.
  4. It is forbidden to use the Site in a manner that may violate the personal rights of others and to post or distribute through the Site content that is vulgar, untrue or may violate the personal rights, the law or other legitimate interests of the Service Provider or third parties.
  5. If you change your information provided for the Service, you are responsible for correcting or completing it.
  6. The User acknowledges and undertakes to comply with the prohibition of attempting to access resources to which the Service Provider has not granted the User rights.


  1. The user can access the Service by opening the website. Purchase of Paid Services is possible only for registered Users, after logging in to the Website
  2. A user may create an individual Account. Creating an Account is not required to browse the Website, but it is necessary to purchase Paid Services.
  3. One Account can be used only by one User.
  4. Creating an Account is tantamount to concluding a contract with the Service Provider for the provision of services by electronic means under the terms of these Regulations.
  5. The login, used to log into the Account and identify the User by the Service Provider, is the e-mail address provided by the User. Users can also use a Facebook or Gmail account to log in.
  6. In order to create an Account, the User is required to perform the following steps:
    1. Provide your electronic mailbox (e-mail) address, which will be the egologin;
    2. determine Password;
    3. Confirm that you have read and accept the Terms and Conditions;
    4. Agree to create an online portfolio on the Website;
    5. click on the registration confirmation link sent to the mailbox address provided in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.
    6. the user, when registering on the site, agrees to create a portfolio, which can be available only to that person, or this portfolio can be shared via a link
  7. Only the combined fulfillment of the conditions referred to in paragraph. 6 of this paragraph will lead to Registration on the Site.
  8. The contract for the provision of the service – maintaining the Account – is concluded for an indefinite period of time at the moment of fulfillment of the conditions for using the Account service referred to in paragraph. 6 of this paragraph.
  9. You are responsible for the security and proper use of your login and Password, which should be kept confidential. In case of suspicion that the User’s login and Password have been in the possession of an unauthorized person, the User is obliged to change the Password immediately. If a User or Client suspects that there has been unauthorized use of his Account, he should immediately notify the Service Provider.
  10. The service provider declares that the nature of the services provided electronically may involve the risk of obtaining and modifying the data of Users and Clients by unauthorized persons. Users and customers should use appropriate technical measures that protect them as fully as possible from the above. threats, in particular, use devices protected by anti-virus programs and use programs that protect the identity of Users and Customers.
  11. The Service Provider will never ask the User or the Client to share their Password.
  12. The user, after registration, may log into his Account at any time and make changes to the data he has provided, with the proviso that the data should correspond to reality and be up-to-date
  13. The User and the Customer have the right to resign from the Service at any time by selecting the appropriate option in the User Panel “delete account”.
  14. Resignation from the use of the Website may also take place by sending a request to delete your Account to the e-mail address [mail_firmy]
  15. The Service Provider shall delete the Account and all data collected therein immediately, no later than within 14 working days of receiving a request from the User or Client.
  16. The Service Provider reserves the right to delete the Account without the consent of the User or Client in the following cases:
    1. Failure of the User or Customer to comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions,
    2. Provision of false or outdated data by the User or Customer,
    3. Use by the User or Client of the Website in a manner that violates applicable laws or rules of social coexistence and good morals.
  17. Before deleting the Account due to violation of the Terms of Service, the Service Provider will call on the User or the Client, respectively, to stop the violation setting a 14-day calendar period, after which the Account will be deleted without success.


  1. All prices shown on the Site are expressed in Polish zloty (PLN) and are gross prices (including VAT).
  2. The price for the 1st Package is PLN 7.99 for 14 days. For access to the service after 14 days, the amount of PLN 88.99 will be charged automatically every month.
    The price for Package II is PLN 259.20 for 1 year. For access to the service after 1 year, the amount of PLN 259.20 will be charged automatically every year.
  3. Payments can only be made in PLN currency.
  4. The Service Provider reserves the right to change prices on the Site. In no case can a price change be made with respect to a Customer who has already placed an Order for a Paid Service.
  5. For each Order, the Service Provider issues an electronic VAT invoice, which is made available to the Customer on the [www_firmy] Until then, if the User has not automatically received an invoice, he or she should write to the Service Provider at the following address [mail_firmy]
  6. Until then, if the User has not automatically received an invoice, he or she should write to the Service Provider at the address [mail_firmy]
  7. The Client shall pay the price to the Service Provider’s bank account using the electronic payment methods available on the Site at the time.
  8. Payments can be made via payment card using the Revolut system operated by National Payment Integrator S.A. based in Poznań.
  9. Payments via payment card using the Revolut system may be made only by persons authorized to use the particular instrument on the basis of which the payment is made, in particular, a given payment card may be used only by its authorized holder. Cases of abuse detected by the Service Provider or Revolut will be reported to the relevant law enforcement agencies.
  10. The Service Provider on the Site provides Customers with the appropriate link to make payment for the Paid Service.
  11. Data from the link is automatically transmitted to the bank or authorization and settlement center through the Revolut system.
  12. The recipient, after clicking the transaction link on the Site, is automatically redirected to Revolut’s online payment page.
  13. Making a payment automatically saves the payment card details in the Customer Account.


  1. A user who wishes to use the Paid Services available on the Website shall register on the Website, place an Order via the Form and pay the fee using the available payment method.
  2. The user can place Orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  3. The contract of sale is concluded by the User placing an Order using the Form.
  4. In the Form, the User indicates the Client’s data and selects the package (I or II package),
  5. After completing the Form, the User selects the “Make Payment” button.
  6. It is not possible to place an Order without completing the Form.
  7. Paid service is available to the Client immediately after the payment of the price is credited to the Service Provider’s bank account.


  1. The Customer, who is a consumer, has the right to complain about the Paid Service for which the Order was placed.
  2. If the Paid Service is defective, the Customer who is a consumer may exercise his/her rights against the Seller under the warranty. The seller is liable to the customer for non-conformity of the goods with the contract.
  3. A customer who is a consumer shall make a complaint by sending a claim for a paid Service. In order to speed up the processing of the complaint, it is advisable to provide in the complaint: your name and surname, the date of application, the number of the sales receipt, the description and type of defect, the consumer’s request, contact information (telephone or e-mail address).
  4. Complaints should be addressed in writing to: [nazwa_firmy] or by e-mail to the following address: [mail_firmy]
  5. The rights of the customer who is a consumer are governed by the provisions of the Act of May 30, 2014. On consumer rights and the relevant provisions of the Act of April 23, 1964. – Civil Code, which are applicable in these Regulations.
  6. If the Paid Service has a defect, the Customer who is a consumer may:
    1. make a statement requesting a price reduction or
    2. make a declaration of withdrawal from the sales contract
      unless the Seller immediately and without undue inconvenience to the Customer replaces the defective Paid Service with a defect-free one or removes the defect. This limitation does not apply if the Paid Service has already been replaced or repaired by the Seller or the Seller has failed to comply with the obligation to replace the Paid Service with a defect-free one or to remove the defect.
  7. A customer who is a consumer may not withdraw from the sales contract if the defect in the Paid Service is insignificant.
  8. A customer who is a consumer may instead of the Seller’s proposed
    1. Remove the defect demand a replacement of the Paid Service with a defect-free one, or
    2. Instead of replacing the Paid Service, demand the removal of the defect,
      unless bringing the Paid Service into conformity with the contract in the way chosen by the Customer is impossible or would require excessive costs compared to the way proposed by the Seller. The reduced price should remain in such proportion to the price under the sales contract as the value of the Services payable with the defect remains to their value without the defect.
  9. In the event of withdrawal from the contract of sale by the Customer who is a consumer, the parties will return the services made to each other in accordance with the provisions of § 11. Regulations.
  10. The Service undertakes to notify the Customer who is a consumer about the date and manner of processing the complaint within 14 working days from the date of its submission. Any information regarding the complaint procedure, the Seller will communicate to the Customer who is a consumer at the address and contact details provided by the Customer in the complaint application.
  11. The cost of replacement or repair of the Paid Service shall be borne by the Seller.
  12. In the case of a Customer who is not a consumer, the Seller’s warranty for defects in the Paid Services is excluded.


  1. The service provider or registered User may terminate the contract for electronic services at any time, subject to the preservation of the rights acquired by the other party prior to termination and subject to the provisions of this paragraph.
  2. The Registered User terminates the agreement for the provision of services by electronic means by submitting a request to delete his/her Account to the e-mail address of the Service Provider [mail_firmy] The contract is terminated after the expiry of the notice period of 14 calendar days.
  3. The contract for the provision of Paid Services is concluded for an indefinite period of time, unless otherwise specified in the Order. In the event that a Paid Service is ordered for a specified period of time, the term of such Paid Service shall be automatically extended for the next same period, unless the Customer expresses a contrary declaration of intent no later than 30 calendar days prior to the expiration of the term of the Paid Service. At the same time, the terms and conditions of the Paid Service under which it will be continued as a result of the automatic extension shall not be less favorable than those provided for under the original Paid Service, and, in particular, it shall not entail any increased costs for the Customer who is a Consumer. Regardless of this, the Customer who is a Consumer has the right to terminate the Agreement after the automatic extension of its term by submitting a request to the Service Provider’s e-mail address [mail_firmy] with a 14-day calendar notice period, effective at the end of the settlement period.
  4. The Service Provider, wishing to terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services, will inform the registered User at the e-mail address provided by him during registration. The contract is terminated after a notice period of 14 calendar days.
  5. In the event that the termination of the contract for the provision of services by electronic means pursuant to paragraph. 4 of this paragraph would entail a loss to the Customer (loss of accessibility to the Paid Service), the Service Provider may adopt one of two solutions:
    1. may refund to the Customer the amount due for the Paid Service, in proportion to the period and extent of its use; if such action would not be justified by the circumstances, the refund for the Paid Service should be made in full;
    2. with the consent of the Customer – may transfer the current access to the Paid Service from the liquidated User Account to another User Account remaining in the organization of the Customer
  6. The Seller shall make electronic materials available to the Customer who is a consumer immediately after the Order, provided that the User makes an explicit statement of consent to make the materials available before the expiration of the deadline for withdrawal from the contract and after the Service Provider informs the Customer of the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract as a result (Article 38(13) of the Law on Consumer Rights).
  7. If the customer who is a consumer does not give the consent referred to in paragraph. 6 of this paragraph, the Service Provider shall not make the ordered materials available to the Client before the expiration of the 14-day calendar period for withdrawal. During this period, the customer who is a consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 calendar days of its conclusion, without giving any reason for such withdrawal. A notice of withdrawal and a sample withdrawal form are included at the end of these Terms and Conditions. In this case, the Seller will make the materials available to the consumer customer only after the expiration of the term of the right of withdrawal.
  8. In the event of withdrawal from this contract, the Seller shall return to the Customer who is a consumer all payments received


  1. The Service Provider shall exercise all due diligence to ensure that the use of the Site is uninterrupted, without fault or inconvenience to Users
  2. The Service Provider reserves the possibility of short-term interruptions in the operation of the Site, resulting from necessary repairs, maintenance, backup. As far as possible, if the above-mentioned activities are not due to defects, but due to planned activities, the Service Provider undertakes to inform Clients of this fact with the expected duration of the inability to use the Site
  3. A Customer who, as a result of defects on the part of the Service Provider, is unable to use the Paid Services, shall report this fact to the Service Provider by e-mail to the address [mail_firmy]. The Service Provider shall immediately take all steps to restore the smooth operation of the Site.


  1. The Service is owned by the Service Provider. All trademarks, service marks and names that are provided on the site are the property of the Service Provider or the right to use them by the Service Provider results from separate agreements with authorized entities. The textual materials, graphics and IT solutions contained on the Website are legally protected by copyright laws
  2. The Service, as well as its individual elements, may not be modified, copied, distributed or published for commercial purposes, unless the Service Provider gives its prior written consent.
  3. Materials and resources, contained on the Site in the Paid Service, including, in particular, templates, designs, text studies, may be used only by the User who has purchased access to them.
  4. Purchasing access to the Site means that the Service Provider grants the Client a license to use the materials and resources contained in the Site for a period of time appropriate to the variant of the Paid Service selected by the Client. The license entitles a single User, authorized to use the Account through which access to the Course was purchased, to use the copyrighted materials.


  1. The Service Provider may amend these Regulations. Changes may be made, in particular, in order to take into account changes in legislation, changes in functions offered through the Service, introduction or withdrawal of services on the Service, clarification of issues of concern to Users or Customers.
  2. A change in the provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall not lead to the loss of the User’s or Customer’s acquired rights, if they were lawfully acquired.
  3. All Orders accepted by the Service for execution prior to the date of change of the Terms and Conditions are executed on the basis of the Terms and Conditions that were in effect on the date of the Order, unless the provisions of the new version of the Terms and Conditions are more favorable.
  4. The Service Provider will notify Users who have an Account of the change in the Regulations by sending the relevant information to the e-mail addresses indicated by them. The Service Provider will post the consolidated text of the amended Regulations on the Website.
  5. If the Client does not accept the new content of the Terms and Conditions, he should notify the Service Provider within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of information about the change in the Terms and Conditions to the address: [nazwa_firmy] Lack of objection within 14 calendar days from the date of notification will be considered, in case of doubt, as acceptance of the new version of the Regulations. The submission of an objection by the User shall be considered as a termination of the contract for the provision of services by electronic means, to which the provisions of § 10 paragraph. 4 of the Regulations shall apply accordingly.
  6. A change in the form and nature of the conduct of the Service, in particular, a change in graphic design, the addition of new functionalities and the like shall not constitute an amendment to these Regulations, provided that such changes do not contradict the provisions of these Regulations.


  1. The customer has the opportunity to use out-of-court means of handling complaints and claims. The rules for access to these procedures are available at the offices or on the websites of entities authorized to handle disputes out of court. This provision does not constitute an expression of the Service Provider’s general consent to out-of-court resolution of all disputes. The service provider makes a case-by-case decision.
  2. Any disputes between the Service Provider and the User or Client are subject to Polish law and the jurisdiction of Polish common courts.
  3. In the case of use by Users or Customers of model contracts (general terms and conditions, regulations, etc.), the provisions of the indicated model contracts are excluded. In the event that a User or Client uses a contractual template (Terms and Conditions of Purchase, General Terms and Conditions of Purchase, etc.), the application of which in whole or in part could not be excluded, and which in any part purports to exclude or limit the application of these Terms and Conditions, such User or Client shall be deemed not to have the right to make Orders through the Site, and any Orders made, if any, shall not be subject to execution, and in the event of execution, the full cost of processing the Order and its return to the Service Provider shall be refunded to the Service Provider.